Below is a command to the clone the source code for the application used in this tutorial
git clone --branch v3.0.0Â
"Transaction risk scoring" is a method of leveraging data science, machine learning, and statistical analysis to continuously monitor transactions and assess the relative risk associated with each transaction. By comparing transactional data to models of known fraud, the risk score can be calculated, and the closer a transaction matches fraudulent behaviour, the higher the risk score.
The score is typically based on a statistical analysis of historical transaction data to identify patterns and trends associated with fraudulent activity. The score can then be used to trigger alerts or to automatically decline transactions that exceed a certain risk threshold. It can also be used to trigger additional authentication steps for high-risk transactions. Additional steps might include a one-time password (OTP) sent via text, email, or biometric scan.
Transaction risk scoring is often combined in a single system with other fraud detection methods, such as digital identity validation.
A risk-based approach must be designed to create a frictionless flow and avoid slowing down the transaction experience for legitimate customers while simultaneously preventing fraud. If your risk-based approach is too strict, it will block legitimate transactions and frustrate customers. If it is too lenient, it will allow fraudulent transactions to go through.
Rules-based automated fraud detection systems operate on simple "yes or no" logic to determine whether a given transaction is likely to be fraudulent. An example of a rule would be "block all transactions over $500 from a risky region". With a simple binary decision like this, the system is likely to block a lot of genuine customers. Sophisticated fraudsters easily fool such systems, and the complex nature of fraud means that simple "yes or no" rules may not be enough to assess the risk of each transaction accurately.
More accurate risk scoring with AI/ML addresses these issues. Modern fraud detection systems use machine learning models trained on large volumes of different data sets known as "features"(user profiles, transaction patterns, behavioural attributes and more) to accurately identify fraudulent transactions. These models have been designed to be flexible, so they can adapt to new types of fraud. For example, a neural network can examine suspicious activities like how many pages a customer browses before making an order, whether they are copying and pasting information or typing it in manually and flag the customer for further review.
The models use historical as well as most recent data to create a risk profile for each customer. By analyzing past behaviour it is possible to create a profile of what is normal for each customer. Any transactions that deviate from this profile can be flagged as suspicious, reducing the likelihood of false positives. The models are very fast to adapt to changes in normal behaviour too, and can quickly identify patterns of fraud transactions.
This is exactly where Redis Cloud excels in transaction risk scoring.
People use Redis Cloud as the in-memory online feature store for online and real-time access to feature data as part of a transaction risk scoring system. By serving online features with low latency, Redis Cloud enables the risk-scoring models to return results in real-time, thereby allowing the whole system to achieve high accuracy and instant response on approving legitimate online transactions.
Another very common use for Redis Cloud in transaction risk scoring is for transaction filters. A transaction filter can be implemented as a Bloom filter that stores information about user behaviours. It can answer questions like "Have we seen this user purchase at this merchant before?" Or, "Have we seen this user purchase at this merchant in the X to Y price range before?" Being a probabilistic data structure, Redis Bloom filters do, indeed, sacrifice some accuracy, but in return, they get a very low memory footprint and response time.
You might ask why not use a Redis Set to answer some of the questions above. Redis Sets are used to store unordered collections of unique strings (members). They are very efficient, with most operations taking O(1) time complexity. However, the SMEMBERS
 command is O(N), where N is the cardinality of the set, and can be very slow for large sets and it would also take a lot of memory. This presents a problem both in single instance storage as well as geo-replication, since more data will require more time to move. This is why Redis Bloom filters are a better choice for transaction filters. Applications undergo millions of transactions every day, and Bloom filters maintain a speedy response time at scale.
The e-commerce microservices application discussed in the rest of this tutorial uses the following architecture:
products service
: handles querying products from the database and returning them to the frontendorders service
: handles validating and creating ordersorder history service
: handles querying a customer's order historypayments service
: handles processing orders for paymentdigital identity service
: handles storing digital identity and calculating identity scoreapi gateway
: unifies services under a single endpointmongodb/ postgresql
: serves as the primary database, storing orders, order history, products, etc.redis
: serves as the stream processor and caching databaseYou don't need to use MongoDB/ Postgresql as your primary database in the demo application; you can use other prisma supported databases as well. This is just an example.
When a user goes to checkout, the system needs to check the user's digital identity and profile to determine the risk of the transaction. The system can then decide whether to approve the transaction or to trigger additional authentication steps. The following diagram shows the flow of transaction risk scoring in the e-commerce application:
The following steps are performed in the checkout procedure:
order service
 receives the checkout request and creates an order in the database.order services
 event to the TRANSACTIONS
 Redis stream.identity service
 subscribes to the TRANSACTIONS
 Redis stream and receives the CALCULATE_IDENTITY_SCORE
 event.identity service
 calculates the identity score for the user and publishes a CALCULATE_PROFILE_SCORE
 event to the TRANSACTIONS
 Redis stream.profile service
 subscribes to the TRANSACTIONS
 Redis stream and receives the CALCULATE_PROFILE_SCORE
 event.profile service
 calculates the profile score by checking the products in the shopping cart against a known profile for the customer.profile service
 publishes a ASSESS_RISK
 event to the TRANSACTIONS
 Redis stream.order service
 determines if there is a likelihood of fraud based on the identity and profile scores. If there is a likelihood of fraud, the order service
 triggers additional authentication steps. If there is no likelihood of fraud, the order service
 approves the order and proceeds to process payments.The e-commerce microservices application consists of a frontend, built using Next.js with TailwindCSS. The application backend uses Node.js. The data is stored in Redis and MongoDB/ Postgressql using Prisma. Below you will find screenshots of the frontend of the e-commerce app:
: Shows the list of products with search functionalityShopping Cart
: Add products to the cart, then check out using the "Buy Now" button
Order history
: Once an order is placed, the Orders link in the top navigation bar shows the order status and history
Below is a command to the clone the source code for the application used in this tutorial
git clone --branch v3.0.0Â
Now that you understand the steps involved in the checkout process for transaction risk scoring, let's look at the code for the order service
 and profile service
 to facilitate this process:
To see the code for the identity service
 check out the digital identity validation solution.
When the order service
 receives a checkout request, it creates an order in the database and publishes a CALCULATE_IDENTITY_SCORE
 event to the TRANSACTIONS
 Redis stream. The event contains information about the order as well as the customer, such as the browser fingerprint, IP address, and persona (profile). This data will be used during the transaction by the identity service
 and profile service
 to calculate the identity and profile scores. The order service
 also specifies the transaction pipeline, meaning it determines the order of events called so that the identity service
 and profile service
 do not need to be aware of each other. The order service
 ultimately owns the transaction. The sample code below shows the createOrder
 function in the order service
. The code example below is highly simplified. For more detail please see the source code linked above:
const TransactionPipelines = {
async function createOrder(
order: IOrder,
browserAgent: string,
ipAddress: string,
sessionId: string,
sessionData: ISessionData,
) {
order = await validateOrder(order);
const orderId = await addOrderToRedis(order);
order.orderId = orderId;
await addOrderToMongoDB(order);
// Log order creation to the LOGS stream
await streamLog({
action: 'CREATE_ORDER',
message: `[${REDIS_STREAMS.CONSUMERS.ORDERS}] Order created with id ${orderId} for the user ${userId}`,
metadata: {
userId: userId,
persona: sessionData.persona,
sessionId: sessionId,
let orderAmount = 0;
order.products?.forEach((product) => {
orderAmount += product.productPrice * product.qty;
const orderDetails: IOrderDetails = {
orderId: orderId,
orderAmount: orderAmount.toFixed(2),
userId: userId,
sessionId: sessionId,
orderStatus: order.orderStatusCode,
products: order.products,
// Initiate the transaction by adding the order details to the transaction stream and sending the first event
await addMessageToTransactionStream({
action: TransactionPipelines.CHECKOUT[0],
logMessage: `[${REDIS_STREAMS.CONSUMERS.IDENTITY}] Digital identity to be validated/ scored for the user ${userId}`,
userId: userId,
persona: sessionData.persona,
sessionId: sessionId,
orderDetails: orderDetails ? JSON.stringify(orderDetails) : '',
transactionPipeline: JSON.stringify(TransactionPipelines.CHECKOUT),
identityBrowserAgent: browserAgent,
identityIpAddress: ipAddress,
return orderId;
Let's look at the addMessageToTransactionStream
 function in more detail:
async function addMessageToStream(message, streamKeyName) {
try {
const nodeRedisClient = getNodeRedisClient();
if (nodeRedisClient && message && streamKeyName) {
const id = '*'; //* = auto generate
await nodeRedisClient.xAdd(streamKeyName, id, message);
} catch (err) {
LoggerCls.error('addMessageToStream error !', err);
LoggerCls.error(streamKeyName, message);
async function addMessageToTransactionStream(
message: ITransactionStreamMessage,
) {
if (message) {
await addMessageToStream(message, streamKeyName);
So you can see above, the transaction pipeline follows CALCULATE_IDENTITY_SCORE
. Let's now look at how the profile service
 subscribes to the TRANSACTIONS
 Redis stream and receives the CALCULATE_PROFILE_SCORE
 event. When the profile service
 starts, it subscribes to the TRANSACTIONS
 Redis stream and listens for events.
function listen() {
streams: [
eventHandlers: {
A highly simplified version of the listenToStreams
 method looks as follows. It takes in a list of streams with an associated object that maps events on the stream to a callback for processing the events. It also takes a stream group and a consumer name. Then it handles the subscription to the stream and calling on the appropriate method when an event comes in:
interface ListenStreamOptions {
streams: {
streamKeyName: string;
eventHandlers: {
[messageAction: string]: IMessageHandler;
groupName: string;
consumerName: string;
maxNoOfEntriesToReadAtTime?: number;
const listenToStreams = async (options: ListenStreamOptions) => {
(A) create consumer group for the stream
(B) read set of messages from the stream
(C) process all messages received
(D) trigger appropriate action callback for each message
(E) acknowledge individual messages after processing
const nodeRedisClient = getNodeRedisClient();
if (nodeRedisClient) {
const streams = options.streams;
const groupName = options.groupName;
const consumerName = options.consumerName;
const readMaxCount = options.maxNoOfEntriesToReadAtTime || 100;
const idInitialPosition = '0'; //0 = start, $ = end or any specific id
const streamKeyIdArr: {
key: string;
id: string;
}[] = []; (stream) => {
`Creating consumer group ${groupName} in stream ${stream.streamKeyName}`,
try {
// (A) create consumer group for the stream
await nodeRedisClient.xGroupCreate(
} catch (err) {
`Consumer group ${groupName} already exists in stream ${stream.streamKeyName}!`,
); //, err
key: stream.streamKeyName,
id: '>', // Next entry ID that no consumer in this group has read
});`Starting consumer ${consumerName}.`);
while (true) {
try {
// (B) read set of messages from different streams
const dataArr = await nodeRedisClient.xReadGroup(
isolated: true,
//can specify multiple streams in array [{key, id}]
COUNT: readMaxCount, // Read n entries at a time
BLOCK: 5, //block for 0 (infinite) seconds if there are none.
// dataArr = [
// {
// name: 'streamName',
// messages: [
// {
// id: '1642088708425-0',
// message: {
// key1: 'value1',
// },
// },
// ],
// },
// ];
//(C) process all messages received
if (dataArr && dataArr.length) {
for (let data of dataArr) {
for (let messageItem of data.messages) {
const streamKeyName =;
const stream = streams.find(
(s) => s.streamKeyName == streamKeyName,
if (stream && messageItem.message) {
const streamEventHandlers = stream.eventHandlers;
const messageAction = messageItem.message.action;
const messageHandler = streamEventHandlers[messageAction];
if (messageHandler) {
// (D) trigger appropriate action callback for each message
await messageHandler(messageItem.message,;
//(E) acknowledge individual messages after processing
nodeRedisClient.xAck(streamKeyName, groupName,;
} else {
//'No new stream entries.');
} catch (err) {
LoggerCls.error('xReadGroup error !', err);
The processTransactionStream
 method is called when a new event comes in. It validates the event, making sure it is the CALCULATE_PROFILE_SCORE
 event, and if it is then it calculates the profile score. It uses a Redis Bloom filter to check if the user has ordered a similar set of products before. It uses a pre-defined persona for the purposes of this demo, but in reality you would build a profile of the user over time. In the demo application, each product has a "master category" and "subcategory". Bloom filters are setup for the master categories as well as the master+subcategories. The scoring logic is highlighted below:
async function calculateProfileScore(
message: ITransactionStreamMessage,
) {`Incoming message in Profile Service ${messageId}`);
if (!(message.orderDetails && message.persona)) {
return false;
await streamLog({
action: TransactionStreamActions.CALCULATE_PROFILE_SCORE,
message: `[${REDIS_STREAMS.CONSUMERS.PROFILE}] Calculating profile score for the user ${message.userId}`,
metadata: message,
// check profile score
const { products }: IOrderDetails = JSON.parse(message.orderDetails);
const persona = message.persona.toLowerCase();
let score = 0;
const nodeRedisClient = getNodeRedisClient();
if (!nodeRedisClient) {
return false;
const categories = products.reduce((cat, product) => {
const masterCategory = product.productData?.masterCategory?.typeName;
const subCategory = product.productData?.subCategory?.typeName;
if (masterCategory) {
cat[`${masterCategory}`.toLowerCase()] = true;
if (subCategory) {
cat[`${masterCategory}:${subCategory}`.toLowerCase()] = true;
return cat;
}, {} as Record<string, boolean>);
const categoryKeys = Object.keys(categories);
const checks = categoryKeys.length;
`Checking ${checks} categories: ${JSON.stringify(categoryKeys)}`,
await Promise.all( (category) => {
const exists = await
if (exists) {
score += 1;
);`After ${checks} checks, total score is ${score}`);
score = score / (checks || 1);
await streamLog({
action: TransactionStreamActions.CALCULATE_PROFILE_SCORE,
message: `[${REDIS_STREAMS.CONSUMERS.PROFILE}] Profile score for the user ${message.userId} is ${score}`,
metadata: message,
await nextTransactionStep({
logMessage: `[${REDIS_STREAMS.CONSUMERS.PROFILE}] Requesting next step in transaction risk scoring for the user ${message.userId}`,
profileScore: `${score}`,
return true;
The nextTransactionStep
 method is called after the profile score has been calculated. It uses the transactionPipeline
 setup in the order service
 to publish the ASSESS_RISK
 event. The logic for this is below:
async function nextTransactionStep(message: ITransactionStreamMessage) {
const transactionPipeline: TransactionStreamActions[] = JSON.parse(
if (transactionPipeline.length <= 0) {
await addMessageToStream(
action: transactionPipeline[0],
transactionPipeline: JSON.stringify(transactionPipeline),
In short, the nextTransactionStep
 method pops the current event off of the transactionPipeline
, then it publishes the next event in the pipeline, which in this case is the ASSESS_RISK
The order service
 is responsible for finalizing the order prior to payment. It listens to the ASSESS_RISK
 event, and then checks the calculated scores to determine if there is potential fraud.
The demo application keeps things very simple, and it only sets a "potentialFraud" flag on the order. In the real world, you need to choose not only what scoring makes sense for your application, but also how to handle potential fraud. For example, you may want to request additional information from the customer such as a one-time password. You may also want to send the order to a human for review. It depends on your business and your risk appetite and mitigation strategy.
The logic to process and finalize orders in the order service
 is below:
async function checkOrderRiskScore(message: ITransactionStreamMessage) {`Incoming message in Order Service`);
if (!message.orderDetails) {
return false;
const orderDetails: IOrderDetails = JSON.parse(message.orderDetails);
if (!(orderDetails.orderId && orderDetails.userId)) {
return false;
`Transaction risk scoring for user ${message.userId} and order ${orderDetails.orderId}`,
const { identityScore, profileScore } = message;
const identityScoreNumber = Number(identityScore);
const profileScoreNumber = Number(profileScore);
let potentialFraud = false;
if (identityScoreNumber <= 0 || profileScoreNumber < 0.5) {
`Transaction risk score is too low for user ${message.userId} and order ${orderDetails.orderId}`,
await streamLog({
action: TransactionStreamActions.ASSESS_RISK,
message: `[${REDIS_STREAMS.CONSUMERS.ORDERS}] Order failed fraud checks for orderId ${orderDetails.orderId} and user ${message.userId}`,
metadata: message,
potentialFraud = true;
orderDetails.orderStatus = ORDER_STATUS.PENDING;
orderDetails.potentialFraud = potentialFraud;
* In real world scenario : can use RDI/ redis gears/ any other database to database sync strategy for REDIS-> Store of record data transfer.
* To keep it simple, adding data to MongoDB manually in the same service
message.orderDetails = JSON.stringify(orderDetails);
await streamLog({
action: TransactionStreamActions.ASSESS_RISK,
message: `[${REDIS_STREAMS.CONSUMERS.ORDERS}] Order status updated after fraud checks for orderId ${orderDetails.orderId} and user ${message.userId}`,
metadata: message,
await nextTransactionStep(message);
return true;
RedisInsight is the free redis GUI for viewing data in redis. Click here to download.
Now that you understand some of the code involved in processing transactions, let's take a look at the data in RedisInsight. First let's look at the TRANSACTION_STREAM
 key, which is where the stream data is held for the checkout transaction:
You can see the action
 column shows the transaction pipeline discussed earlier. Another thing to look at in RedisInsight is the Bloom filters:
These filters are pre-populated in the demo application based on a feature store. Redis is also storing the features, which in this case is the profiles of each of the personas. Below is an example of one of the profile features:
In this post, you learned how to use Redis Streams to build a transaction risk scoring pipeline. You also learned how to use Redis Cloud as a feature store and Redis Bloom filters to calculate a profile score. Every application is unique, so this tutorial is meant to be a starting point for you to build your own transaction risk scoring pipeline.
Redis Streams
Fraud detection with Redis
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