In this tutorial, we will build an app that implements basic fixed-window rate limiting using Redis & ASP.NET Core.
Before we begin, startup Redis. For this example, we'll use the Redis docker image:
docker run -dp 6379:6379 redis
In your terminal, navigate to where you want the app to live and run:
dotnet new webapi -n FixedRateLimiter --no-https
Change directory to FixedRateLimiter and run the below command:
dotnet add package StackExchange.Redis
Open the FixedRateLimiter.csproj file in Visual Studio or Rider (or open the folder in VS Code) and in the Controllers folder, add an API controller called RateLimitedController, when all this is complete, RateLimitedController.cs should look like the following:
namespace FixedRateLimiter.Controllers
public class RateLimitedController : ControllerBase
To use Redis, we're going to initialize an instance of the ConnectionMultiplexer from StackExchange.Redis, to do so, go to the ConfigureServices method inside of Startup.cs and add the following line:
In RateLimitedController.cs inject the ConnectionMultiplexer into the controller and pull out an IDatabase object from it with the following:
private readonly IDatabase _db;
public RateLimitedController(IConnectionMultiplexer mux)
_db = mux.GetDatabase();
We will add a simple route that we will Rate Limit; it will be a POST request route on our controller. This POST request will use Basic auth - this means that each request is going to expect a header of the form Authorization: Basic <base64encoded> where the base64encoded will be a string of the form apiKey:apiSecret base64 encoded, e.g. Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==. This route will parse the key out of the header and return an OK result.
public async Task<IActionResult> Simple([FromHeader]string authorization)
var encoded = string.Empty;
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorization)) encoded = AuthenticationHeaderValue.Parse(authorization).Parameter;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(encoded)) return new UnauthorizedResult();
var apiKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(encoded)).Split(':')[0];
return Ok();
With that setup, you should run the project with a dotnet run, and if you issue a POST request to https://localhost:5001/api/RateLimited/simple - with apiKey foobar and password password, you will get a 200 OK response back.
You can use this cURL request to elicit that response:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Length: 0" --user "foobar:password" http://localhost:5000/api/RateLimited/simple
We are going to build a Fixed Window Rate limiting script. A fixed Window Rate Limiter will limit the number of requests in a particular window in time. In our example, we will limit the number of requests to a specific route for a specific API Key. So, for example, if we have the apiKey foobar hitting our route api/ratelimited/simple at 12:00:05 and we have a 60-second window, in which you can send no more than ten requests, we need to:
The issue we need to contend with here is that this rate-limiting requires atomicity for all our commands (e.g. between when we get and increment the key we don't want anyone coming in and hitting it). Because of this, we will run everything on the server through a Lua script. Now there are two ways to write this Lua script. The traditional way, where you drive everything off of keys and arguments, the following
local key = KEYS[1]
local max_requests = tonumber(ARGV[1])
local expiry = tonumber(ARGV[2])
local requests ='INCR',key)'EXPIRE', key, expiry)
if requests < max_requests then
return 0
return 1
Alternatively, StackExchange.Redis contains support for a more readable mode of scripting they will let you name arguments to your script, and the library will take care of filling in the appropriate items at execution time. That mode of scripting, which we will use here, will produce this script:
local requests ='INCR',@key)'EXPIRE', @key, @expiry)
if requests < tonumber(@maxRequests) then
return 0
return 1
To run a Lua script with StackExchange.Redis, you need to prepare a script and run it. So consequentially add a new file Scripts.cs to the project, and in that file add a new static class called Scripts; this will contain a constant string containing our script and a getter property to prepare the script for execution.
using StackExchange.Redis;
namespace FixedRateLimiter
public static class Scripts
public static LuaScript RateLimitScript => LuaScript.Prepare(RATE_LIMITER);
private const string RATE_LIMITER = @"
local requests ='INCR',@key)'EXPIRE', @key, @expiry)
if requests < tonumber(@maxRequests) then
return 0
return 1
With the script setup, all that's left to do is build our key, run the script, and check the result. We already extracted the apiKey earlier, so; we will use that, the request path, and the current time to create our key. Then, we will run ScriptEvaluateAsync to execute the script, and we will use the result of that to determine whether to return a 429 or our JSON result. Add the following just ahead of the return in our Simple method:
var script = Scripts.RateLimitScript;
var key = $"{Request.Path.Value}:{apiKey}:{DateTime.Now:hh:mm}";
var res = await _db.ScriptEvaluateAsync(script, new {key = new RedisKey(key), expiry = 60, maxRequests = 10});
if ((int) res == 1)
return new StatusCodeResult(429);
Our Simple route's code should look like this:
public async Task<IActionResult> Simple([FromHeader]string authorization)
var encoded = string.Empty;
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorization)) encoded = AuthenticationHeaderValue.Parse(authorization).Parameter;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(encoded)) return new UnauthorizedResult();
var apiKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(encoded)).Split(':')[0];
var script = Scripts.RateLimitScript;
var key = $"{Request.Path.Value}:{apiKey}:{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm}";
var res = await _db.ScriptEvaluateAsync(script, new {key = new RedisKey(key), expiry = 60, maxRequests = 10});
if ((int) res == 1)
return new StatusCodeResult(429);
return new JsonResult(new {key});
Now, if we start our server back up with dotnet run and try running the following command:
for n in {1..21}; do echo $(curl -s -w " HTTP %{http_code}, %{time_total} s" -X POST -H "Content-Length: 0" --user "foobar:password" http://localhost:5000/api/ratelimited/simple); sleep 0.5; done
You will see some of your requests return a 200, and at least one request return a 429. How many depends on the time at which you start sending the request. Recall, the requests are time-boxed on single-minute windows, so if you transition to the next minute in the middle of the 21 requests, the counter will reset. Hence, you should expect to receive somewhere between 10 and 20 OK results and between 1 and 11 429 results. The Response should look something like this:
HTTP 200, 0.002680 s
HTTP 200, 0.001535 s
HTTP 200, 0.001653 s
HTTP 200, 0.001449 s
HTTP 200, 0.001604 s
HTTP 200, 0.001423 s
HTTP 200, 0.001492 s
HTTP 200, 0.001449 s
HTTP 200, 0.001551 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-16e9da63f77c994db719acff5333c509-f79ac0c862c5a04c-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001803 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-3d2e4e8af851024db121935705d5425f-0e23eb80eae0d549-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001521 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-b5e824c9ebc4f94aa0bda2a414afa936-8020a7b8f2845544-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001475 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-bd6237c5d0362a409c436dcffd0d4a7a-87b544534f397247-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001549 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-532d64033c54a148a98d8efe1f9f53b2-b1dbdc7d8fbbf048-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001476 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-8c210b1c1178554fb10aa6a7540d3488-0fedba48e38fdd4b-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001606 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-633178f569dc8c46badb937c0363cda8-ab1d1214b791644d-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001661 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-12f01e448216c64b8bfe674f242a226f-d90ff362926aa14e-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001858 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-63ef51cee3bcb6488b04395f09d94def-be9e4d6d6057754a-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001622 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-80a971db60fdf543941e2457e35ac2fe-3555f5cb9c907e4c-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001710 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-f718734ae0285343ac927df617eeef92-91a49e127f2e4245-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001582 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-9da2569cce4d714480dd4f0edc0506d2-8a1ce375b1a9504f-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001629 s